Friday, November 11, 2011


It's impressive how the very day after I decided to blog every day I already forgot to write, isn't it? With all the hustle and bustle around here yesterday, it fully slipped my mind. We hosted about 30 people for a Thanksgiving potluck yesterday and I venture to say it was a big success. The smell of turkey and dressing cooking in a college apartment is a rare but highly appreciated one. Unfortunately this morning our house seems to look a bit like a tornado happened here last night... which is made more interesting by the fact that the party actually happened next door. Still, a morning of cleaning for us.

This morning I walked slowly through Psalm 78. The Psalm tells the story of the history of Israel and points out how time and time again the Lord provided for the people and they met Him with dissatisfaction and a bold request for more. As you read through the blatant miracles He showed them and things He provided for them, their lack of appreciation seems appalling. It seems no wonder that the Psalmist refers to them as "A stubborn and rebellious generation, whose hearts were not loyal to God, whose spirits were not faithful to him." (v.8) It talks over and over again about the miracles He performed (dividing the sea, guiding them by a cloud, water from the rocks, manna from Heaven...) and how "they forgot what he had done, the wonders he had shown them." (v.11)And God continues to provide even as they continue to push Him.

And as I read this story, I can't help but think to myself "how ungrateful. How on earth could you not realize all the Lord was doing for you?" I think often we have a picture of these people parading around in the desert for 40 years enjoying watching the Lord work and being marveled at how He was providing for them out of nothing. But that perspective isn't biblical. Let's not forget that they spent that time wandering in a desert. Let's be real, I'd probably be in a bad mood too. But as I think about their lack of gratitude and prepare to pick up the first stone stone to toss at them in hopes that it would knock some sense into them, I'm reminded of what a picture this is in my own day to day life as well.

"In spite of all this [all God had provided despite their demanding and ungrateful hearts], they kept on sinning. In spite of his wonders, they did not believe." (v.32)

I began to ask myself this question this morning: What areas of my life has God provided in, yet I continue to selfishly demand more? I know the answer for me. I'd challenge you to think through it for yourself. We celebrated Thanksgiving with friends last night. Have I truly been thankful for all God has provided? I spent a little time in prayer over the specific area of my life I knew He was drawing attention to this morning, thanking Him for exactly what He has currently provided and not asking for any more. I'm always touched and reminded of a prayer I wrote out in my journal sometime about a year ago. If nothing else ever comes, thank You for what You've given today. May that be the minute by minute cry of my heart.

Now, God shows the Israelites grace and mercy time and time again but He doesn't allow them to continue to walk all over Him. Because let's be real, who dares to think they have feet big enough to walk all over God? Toward the end of the Psalm he talks about some of the ways He lovingly disciplined the people and I found it to be really interesting. What I also felt was interesting was the very end... when God decides it's time for change and He "chose David his servant and took him from the sheep pens; from tending the sheep he brought him to be the shepherd of his people Jacob, of Israel his inheritance. And David shepherded them with integrity of heart; with skillful hands he led them." (v.70-72)

It's humbling, isn't it? That after all of that God would choose a little shepherd to lead. I've been meaning for a few days now to blog about leadership (maybe I will finally get around to it soon) but I love the picture here of David's willingness meeting with his obedience. I think I would've said "Me? You want me to step into leading something so difficult?" I'm afraid I might've rather stayed with the sheep. I'll write more later about how often God calls us to jump big time... like from a flock of sheep to the nation of Israel. It's often unexpected but it causes a lot of dependence on Him. I see a lot more coming out of that... let that be a teaser for tomorrow's post. Or maybe even later today? Who knows.

But for now, the washing machine is done and I need to go do some work on campus. Think about it today-- What areas of your life has God provided in, yet you continue to selfishly ask for more? Could make for some interesting realizations for you too.

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