Wednesday, September 21, 2011

small towns

It's a rainy day in Athens... but not one of those great, curl up on the couch with a good book kind of days. It's muggy... the kind of day that makes you think you'll never have a good hair day again. I admit that this was one of those days that I wanted to get back in bed and start all over again. But the Lord speaks and works through those days just as much as the ones filled with sunshine I suppose.

I've been letting myself live in a dream lately. You know, those times when you have a mentality of wearing scarves, playing on Pinterest, drinking apple cider and listening to someone play the violin on the back porch with pretty Christmas lights? I think it's the change of seasons. I'm so grateful for Fall to finally be here. It's beautiful to me that the Lord changes the seasons... keeps things fresh and new each morning. That's so like Him..

I spent this past weekend in Byram and it felt so good to be back there again. A few years ago, when I first went to my sweet friend's house in south Georgia, (Bainbridge... one of my very favorite places) I realized that despite being from Marietta, I am a lover of the feel of small towns. Being in Byram this weekend made me feel that way again. I feel like the sun is always shining. I love a place where everyone knows everyone. I love a sense of community and a town where the pastor is also in the press box at the high school football game. I love a place where you can't go anywhere without seeing someone you know. I love a place where people always hug you the first time they meet you and where people love to sit together and talk about what the Lord is teaching them. I'm pretty excited about the thought of getting to even be just a little part of that soon.

Daniel and I spent the weekend worshiping together, drinking pumpkin spice lattes, eating spaghetti, watching football, walking, laughing, reading, and just being in the same place. I couldn't ask for anything more. There's just something sweet about that time... and something about that time that makes me crave spending time before the Lord. My drive back on Sunday was hours on end of pure, intimate worship. There are no words for the beauty of the Lord's love. He's been daily speaking to my heart over and over again through Psalm 33. The first half of it is posted below. Check it out. There's just something breath taking to me about the imagery of God breathing out stars and scooping the depths of the ocean into jars. Praise the Lord that He's big enough to do that and small enough to hear the cries of my tiny heart.

I've been praying a lot for the Lord's wisdom lately. James 1:5, right? He's been speaking to my heart about what a beautiful time this is for me to sit at His feet as He prepares me for things to come. I'm trying my best to soak it all up.

I think I really want to read this book that I found today. Maybe one day I'll get around to ordering it...

I've been burning through the new NeedtoBreathe cd and the new Ben Rector cd this week. I'm going to see Ben Rector in concert tomorrow and I admit I've maybe never been this excited about a concert before. Have I mentioned I kind of love him? I do. It's a little out of control. Don't worry, I feel sure there will be plenty of photos to follow.

That's all the random for now... nothing but a quick update. :)

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you could get away. It sounds like you & Daniel are doing great! How's school? Luv u AA


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