Wednesday, February 23, 2011

blog break

I'm taking a break from all that's going on around me to write for a minute... about nothing important. Sometimes for me, writing is just peaceful. My friend Lauren and I talked last night about things God designed us to enjoy just simply because they make us smile. Writing is one of those things for me. In fact, I've been doing a lot of those things lately. Here's a collaboration of my random thoughts:

thought: The beautiful weather lately has been entirely rocking my world. Everyone is in such a beautiful mood when it's nice outside... Last week my roommates and I browsed through the stores at 5 points and it was Heaven. Today my mom (interjection: my parents came to take us to lunch on Sunday and I had a blast. Have I mentioned I think they're incredible?) and her friend and friend's son came to spend the day in Athens. Sam is in sixth grade and precious to me. He wanted to see the campus, hang out, see the baseball field and stadium, etc. and we spent a good chunk of time downtown browsing the fun shops. The day included baseball, records, books, chacos, yogurt, and a lot of smiles. I'll skip the details... but it was awesome.

Found Jackson Street Bookstore downtown. Its full of beautiful old books. I was in love. I took this really bad cell phone picture... but I'd love to go back with my camera sometime. My rainy day dream for this place is the camera, a cup of coffee, and a good friend. Loving all the stories in these old books, in more ways than one.

thought: So this was awesome-- today I got this in the mail: 

Yep, that says "Chaco Cash." A few weeks ago, Chaco had a haiku contest on Twitter. I was sitting at Chickfila (one of my most inspiring places) and I wrote a silly haiku and guess what? I won! They asked me for my mailing address and today I jumped with joy when I received this $110 gift certificate of sorts. Have I already ordered a new pair of Chacos? Yes I have. Am I pumped? Yes I am. Was I proud? Maybe a little.

thought: This has been my life as of the past few days:
You know you're overly multi-tasking when you literally have your computer screen stretched out onto this many surfaces. My to-do list is about to eat me. I feel like I'm swimming as fast as I can and still about to drown. But you know what? This high level of productivity has felt great and despite the fact that I'm stressed beyond belief and haven't really slept in two days, the Lord has been teaching me so much about His peace and His beauty. Sometimes you need to take a break to blog, to talk to someone, or to just run around outside. You've gotta stay sane... hopefully life will calm a little after this crazy weekend that's in front of me. I got a sweet reminder from Daniel last night that "when everything seems to be moving chaotically around us, He wants us to turn to Him in all circumstances. To not lift our souls to another." Amen. Everything is moving chaotically, but I think I secretly love it. I at least love what God has been showing my timid and fragile heart. Those are words that I journal often...

thought: There's potential of going on a great adventure very soon. It's on the horizon and I hope it happens. I'm itching to get out of town for a day... do something unplanned, unexpected, illogical. We'll see.

thought: Dinner theater is this weekend! Hip hooray! So proud of how hard everyone has worked and can't wait to see the show. Serving coordination might kill me, but hey, serving the Lord and enabling others to participate in summer missions makes it all worthwhile! Come check out 7 Brides, and enjoy this artwork done by my lovely roommate. Did I mention she's an artist? It's true. 

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