Thursday, October 20, 2011


What is God teaching you?

I had a friend in high school who would ask me this question on a regular but spontaneous basis. And you know something? Sometimes I hated it. There were so many days when in the midst of a conversation about smoothies and haircuts she would look at me and say "yeah. What's God teaching you right now?" and so many of those times I was caught off guard and didn't have an answer. Sometimes it was because it takes me a minute to put it into words, sometimes because I had to put all the pieces together, and yet sometimes because I wasn't seeking the Lord in the way I needed to be. It's a question I ask myself often now. It's a question I sometimes miss being asked so blatantly.

The other night I was in my room (or my lair... that's generally what I refer to it as when I have so much work to do that I have no choice but to shut myself in...) reading and writing when someone knocked on my door. It was my sweet friend Kendall and she was just bursting with excitement to tell me about what the Lord had been speaking to her the past few days. And you know what? As we stood there and talked about Scripture and the small callings that God is placing on both of our hearts, I couldn't have been more excited. Her passion for it was contagious and I think we both walked away mutually encouraged. That's what the body of Christ is about-- encouraging one another, keeping one another in check, lifting one another up.

"Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God." -Colossians 3:16

I can't get over how beautiful and true that verse is.

Our conversation that night was so beautiful as we both unpacked our struggles, our dreams, and the things that Christ is beginning to speak to us that may seemingly make no sense for today but will undoubtedly lead to big things down the road. It's a beautiful thing when you find those kind of friends. We as people are meant to grow in Christ independent of one another, but to be walking right beside one another encouraging and correcting. It's the concept of discipleship. It's so critical to find people in life who will walk beside you to continually point you right back towards the cross with honesty and with love.

So my questions for you today are this: Who are you walking beside and what is God teaching you today?

I'll leave this one with the song that has been stuck in my head for at least a week now. I actually literally dreamed about worshiping to this song last night. Is that weird? Maybe. But I love the message here. I especially love the line- "More than worth these longings of my heart left unfufilled for a time". He is so more than worth everything and so deserving of all our devotion. So enjoy this video! (or at least the audio, because it seems this song must best be paired with pictures of flowers? evidently)

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