Thursday, April 7, 2011


The Lord continues to prove Himself to be way faithful as I prove myself to be way ridiculous. This morning as I hopped into the story of Joshua for the millionth time in my life, (it's one of my favorites) I was reminded of a lot of solid truths and some new truths that pertained directly to a conversation I had with my accountability partner yesterday. I'll never stop being amazed how scripture never changes and yet is fresh and relevant to my life and my heart each day. Praises.

I'll drop you with this thought: " not be terrified, do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." (joshua 1:9) and "Let us not grow weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up." (galatians 6:9)

I get so easily discouraged... I'm so bad daily at knowing that the Lord does all things in His own time, and that time is perfect. Sometimes being passionate about things makes me want to see results immediately. We lived in a society of instant gratification. But as I pray and ask for patience in so many scenarios in life I hear the Lord echoing back to me "It just isn't time yet.". I had a good conversation with some friends the other day about desperately wanting to see certain people come to know the Lord or wanting certain things to happen quickly... wanting to see tangible results. But it just isn't time yet. Patience, my children. Patience.

Today was a massive blessing. Today I got to climb a tree, lay in a hammock, go slacklining, and be with my friends in the sunshine. Today I got to be behind the camera again... I haven't put that much effort into taking pictures in months. Unfortunately they're on Nick's camera... I'm exploding to get to post them.

I'll leave this post with this 100% true story of encouragement for today. I threw on my chacos a few minutes ago to make the long hike up the street to the mailboxes. As I walked I had these thoughts: I'm a mess. I compulsively check the mail. Never waiting for anything, never expecting anything. Just always checking, dreaming of getting something that makes me smile but always just taking Sydney the cable bills. I may never understand why I do this, but at least someone clears all the coupons out of the mailbox multiple times a week. This thought got cut short when I stopped to talk to my friend Jackson and upon opening the mailbox today I found the strangest, sweetest random piece of mail I've ever received. I ask you, who mails people license plates with words of encouragement written across the back? I ask you again how the Lord knew today that it was just exactly what I needed. I thrive off of encouragement. Do not be discouraged. Do not grow weary in doing good. God proves Himself always to be faithful, even when I daily struggle to seek to understand how to selflessly follow Him. I have incredible friends, incredible roommates, incredible people in my life. I'm a lucky girl. Anyone who stands in the street holding a license plate and smiling might be a little ridiculous, but I like it that way.

I got the sweetest encouraging text message from a friend in my class the other day asking how I maintain listening so closely to the Lord in this time of business and insanity. It was an unthinkable blessing and a huge encouragement but I realized that a part of the answer is that I'm not getting my schoolwork done like I should... :) womp womp, off to a group meeting.

1 comment:

  1. Well know're an encouragement to me. So thanks :)


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