Tuesday, April 19, 2011

count your blessings

Alright, this much anticipated blog post is based out of so many different things. Life this past week has been crazy (in a fantastic way) and through it all I have come to one overarching realization:

I am an incredibly lucky girl.

I don't believe lucky is the right word actually... I'm pretty sure it's more so the fact that God has blessed me in some unfathomable ways. Let me start with tonight.

Tonight was senior night at bcm. The worship tonight was amazing, so full of joy. As a few of the seniors got up to speak I realized once more just how lucky I am to be a part of a ministry that loves so dearly. Jackie stood up there and spoke and I was hit with the realization that she's leaving... Everybody knows about 100 and life wouldn't be the same without her (but I'll get to that in a minute). As all of them lined the stage and we prayed over them, I couldn't help but cry out my gratitude to the Lord. Feels literally like yesterday that Chris and I were in student council together in high school and here are all these people, about to head off into real life. Tonight I was reminded how lucky I am to have grown and been discipled under such great leadership. I'm a part of a truly amazing ministry where we seek the Lord out to the best of our ability. Sure, we mess up. But praise the Lord for His glory and His worship in that place and for the work He will continue to do in those lives in the years to come. Praise the Lord for friends to worship alongside and friends to hold onto while you cry.

...Friends. If you know me at all you know that my best friends are my roommates. I sat tonight with Season in my arms as we literally cried at the thought of leaving Jackie. Confession: I'm only going to be here until December and I'm terrified of that. I don't know where I'm going, I don't know what will happen, but I hate the thought of leaving these people behind. (Thought I know the Lord has a plan and I'm excited to see it unfold.) I am blessed beyond all measure to daily sit and discuss the Lord in my living room. I cannot find words to explain how much these girls make me laugh and how much we daily love living life together. I'd pay an awful lot of money to have a quote book from Anna and if I could keep them with me forever, I'd do it in a heartbeat. I was humbly reminded this weekend of just how much they go above and beyond for me. We've had days where we all gathered on my bed to cry, we've had plenty of days of squealing at the top of our lungs, we've eaten dinner together more times than we can count, and we've stayed up all night laughing. We share everything. They are joy to me and even when I don't realize it they are working for my good... and that brings me right into the next piece.

Let's just get real. There's this boy. Never in my life have I literally been speechless until Friday when he knocked on my door, eight hours away from where I thought he was. I'm still finding out pieces of the fact that he'd been working on this for a month now and I'm still finding myself smiling at just how perfect this weekend was. That's where the roommates come back into play... I'm blessed to have friends that rejoice in my smiles, lie to my face, and conspire behind my back. I'm blessed to have someone go far above and beyond anything I could ever have even allowed myself to dream. I'm blessed more than anything to get to see the heartbeat of someone who loves the Lord more openly and passionately than I can explain, someone who has such a genuine love for God's people... blessed to be surprised, blessed to spend time together, and above all blessed to worship alongside him. I'm still a little speechless. Mostly just confused at why he would do this for me... Mostly just confused at why the Lord continues to love us the way He does. I pray I never get over that.

I've also been reminded this week how incredibly blessed I am to be working at River Hills. Monday was a beautiful day for me-- volunteers from our church in the office laughing, sorting post cards as we prepare for Easter this weekend. God is doing insane things in our church community and we are constantly seeing people come to Christ. The crowd is growing, the people are hungry, and I count it a major win that I'm beginning to see a sense of community grow. We're blessed to have a pastor (here's your shout out, Chip.) that reminds us often that he loves us, blessed that they invest in our lives. We're blessed to come together in prayer and blessed to know that across this community this week people are on their knees seeking out the Lord's blessings upon this Sunday. I believe He's blessed it already and I'm preparing my heart to see how it all plays out...

There's a lot of good going on right now, but it's good because we choose to rejoice in it. Sure, life is stressful but look at all the beauty flowing around this place. I'm a lucky girl indeed. Above all, I'm lucky to serve a God who works all things together for the good of those who love Him. A thousand blessings all in one... The Lord is good, when we can see it and when we can't. He is holy always. I'm praying that He brings the rain and that we never lose sight of the power of His Name. Just His Name alone....

Well friends, there's laughter erupting from my living room once more. I'm off to play games, put the homework aside, and rejoice in fact that He loves us. He loves us and fills our lives up with unthinkable blessings.

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