Sunday, June 6, 2010

I meant to do that... No, really.

Something that I discover more and more each day about camp is just how intentional every single piece of it. There is a reason we paraphrase stories with the bible still open. There is a reason the back of the nametag is printed upside down. There is a reason we mark boxes with red tape. There is a reason we call it hang time instead of free time. There's a reason to remove your sunglasses, a reason to wear your tube socks, and a reason to use a specific cup and pack it all a specific way.

It's a lot to learn, but it speaks so much about being intentional.

Not being a long-time staffer or camper, I can say unbiasedly that every aspect of CentriKid is planned out to a t, thought over in detail, and organized to be the best of the best. They do an incredible job and I'm proud to be a part of it. Each thing is completely made to be intentional, thus helping us lead to intentional conversations and in turn sharing the gospel with Christ.

and that is what intentional living is really all about.

It's been a long past two days, and none of us can believe that tomorrow marks only a week that we've all been together. The CK1 family has come together fast, and we're ready for our kids to get here (well, almost.). From playing "debrief that" in the van to naming boxes on the Budge to exceeding the max number of items on the checkout at WalMart (who knew that was possible?), it's been only the beginning of a great adventure. Crazy to think I'm blessed to live with 32 unbelievable people for the next two months... it's going to be great. :)

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